Masterplan 2035 Consultation

Consultation on Newcastle International Airport’s Masterplan 2035 was undertaken from 10th May – 13th September 2018. It included a range of publicity events, public meetings and drop-ins, and direct engagement with key stakeholders. Feedback was received at these events, via an online survey, and written representations.

The Masterplan consultation was published via written and digital news articles, social media, an email bulletin and community posters. The Masterplan press release was covered in 15 articles throughout the consultation period, as well as 4 community newsletters.

The email bulletin reached 697 individual email addresses including all major regional stakeholders and all parish and local councillors within the North East LEP area. There were 46 Masterplan related posts on the Airport’s 4 social media platforms. On average social media posts about the Masterplan were seen by 5,103 people and of these 403 people actively engaged with the post.

Direct engagement with local communities was undertaken through 4 public meetings and 11 drop-in events. A total of 242 people attended events, and average attendances were highest at public meetings. In addition 20 direct meetings were held with key regional stakeholders including transport providers, local authorities and local politicians. The form of these meetings ranged from telephone conversations to presentations and discussion sessions.

To read the full consultation report, please click here.