Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy
Newcastle International Airport is at the heart of the North East and is of importance to a wide range of stakeholders. It is also very prominent in the local community and impacts the lives of people in a number of ways.
The ‘Your Airport’ brand embodies the essence of Newcastle International reaching out to customers, the community and other stakeholders, and informing them that it is their airport.
The North East of England is a welcoming place and the people are renowned for being friendly and caring. ‘Your Airport Cares’ is a Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy that aims to put this approach at the core of everything we do at Newcastle International.
‘Your Airport Cares’ is grouped under the following headings:
To maximise economic benefits and treat our customers, business partners and suppliers respectfully.
The Airport has a significant positive benefit to the North East economy, providing jobs, gross value added, journey time savings, and the provision of connectivity and
other impacts. Our aim is to maximise these benefits by working in partnership with organisations across the North East and playing a key role in regional affairs.
1.1 To maximise the economic benefits of the Airport to the North East.
1.2 To provide a memorable experience to all our customers, gaining repeat business, a reputation for excellence, communicating in a friendly, engaging manner and encouraging feedback.
1.3 To play an active role in the governance and promotion of the North East, including the encouragement of inbound tourism.
1.4 To treat our suppliers and business partners fairly, and deliver on our contractual commitments.
To be a great place to work.
Our people are the backbone of the Airport. Our aim is to have an engaged workforce that is committed to providing an excellent, safe and secure customer experience.
2.1 To adopt values that encourage positively engaged workforce and business partners.
2.2 To encourage diversity and equality in the workforce.
2.3 To promote health and wellbeing to all employees.
2.4 To provide good jobs for people.
2.5 To provide opportunities for young people to commence their career at the Airport, including via apprenticeships.
To be a good neighbour with strong stakeholder support.
The Airport has a good relationship with the local community. Our aim is to maintain this relationship in the future and ensure that the community can benefit from the Airport being here.
3.1 To maintain the respect and trust of the community, with effective engagement.
3.2 To undertake a programme of national and regional stakeholder engagement, promoting the Airport and the North East nationally and within the aviation sector.
3.3 To maintain an ambitious programme of support for regional and local charitable causes.
3.4 To maintain a programme of regular employee volunteering in the local area.
To reduce the overall per passenger environmental impact of operations and strive to deliver continuous improvement.
It is recognised that the Airport has an impact on the environment. As a responsible operator, we will adopt a number of environmental principles within the framework of an Environmental Policy and encourage all airport users to adhere to this Policy.
Objectives of the Environmental Policy:
4.1 To monitor and manage the noise environment within local communities and provide an effective complaints system.
4.2 To deliver a comprehensive water and air quality monitoring programme.
4.3 To deliver the Net Zero Carbon 2035 plan, and to reduce energy consumption and investigate the feasibility of generating renewable energy on-site.
4.4 To reduce the amount of waste produced per passenger, increase on-site recycling of waste and continue to divert 100% of waste from landfill.
4.5 To protect and enhance biodiversity, whilst maintaining a safe operation.
4.6 To promote public transport and sustainable travel.
4.7 Engage with staff, business partners and the supply chain to secure support from the whole Airport community.
4.8 To comply with all relevant environmental and industry related obligations, and continually improve environmental management to demonstrate best practice.
Click here to view our Climate Adaptation Risk Assessment Report – DEFRA ARP4
Click here to read the full Corporate Social Responsibility document.
Click here to view our Corporate Social Responsibility Highlights 2023
Click here to view our Annual CSR Report 2023