Consultative Committee
Newcastle International Airport's Consultative Committee aims to provide an effective forum in which all matters concerning the development and operation of the airport which have an effect on its users and the surrounding community may be discussed.
Since 1975, the Committee has worked in a constructive and supportive way which recognises the value of the airport in economic development terms and its importance as an employer of local people.
Rapid change in the scale of operations at Newcastle Airport has made the Committee’s role all the more important in seeking balance between the needs of travellers, the needs of the local communities around the airport and the needs of the Airport Company as it seeks to expand.
Click here to view the Consultative Committee Members.
The Committee normally meets on the first Tuesday of March, June, September and December at the airport. Meetings are not open to the public but a report of each meeting is placed on Newcastle Airport's website. Visits are made to areas of the airport and presentations given by airport staff, in order to increase the understanding of Committee members of the operations of the airport and its effect on the local community.
The Newcastle Airport Consultative Committee was first set up in 1975. The Department for Transport (DfT) issues Guidelines for Airport Consultative Committees, most recently updated in April 2014. These acknowledge that ‘each airport consultative committee should work in a way that best suits the local circumstances within which it operates’ and sets out ‘some particular principles and standards that committees can use to ensure they operate in an effective and constructive way.
The Committee is made up of representatives of local resident groups and local parish councillors; borough, city and county councillors and members of other organisations who seek to represent the travelling public and their ‘meeters and greeters’. Whilst the Committee does not have an executive role at the Airport, its advice is welcomed by the senior management who attend meetings to report on relevant Company plans, activities and performance, including noise and other environmental factors, queueing and baggage reclaim times and passenger satisfaction figures.
Newcastle Airport Consultative Committee does not have a role in seeking to resolve disputes which individuals may have with the airport. Nevertheless, it is interested in the complaints that the airport may receive and takes an active interest in problems that may affect sections of the community or the travelling public. It is also interested in compliments that are due to the airport and the staff who work hard to ensure airport users are satisfied.
If a problem raised with the airport is considered to be unresolved, the CAA (listed on our contacts page) provides guidance in the section ‘How to make a complaint’ on ways to seek a resolution.
The role of the Committee is to:
- Provide a forum for dialogue between the airport, its users and neighbours
- Convey greater understanding to the community about airport operations
- Offer the airport management company insights into local, social, economic and environmental impacts of those operations and future proposals.
The Committee aims to:
- Act as a 'critical friend' to the airport, monitoring change and challenging performance where necessary
- Improve the passenger experience through its role in protecting and enhancing facilities
- Promote the exchange of information and ideas, help monitor trends and increase effectiveness by drawing on local knowledge.
The Committee is made up of representatives of:
- Local residents groups and local parish councillors
- Borough, city and county councillors
- Members of other organisations who seek to represent passengers and other people who use the airport.
NACC is a member of the Liaison Group of Airport Consultative Committees (UKACCS). Through this we respond directly to relevant Government consultations and make representations to the Department for Transport (DfT) and Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) wherever appropriate. We also respond directly, whenever we have particular points to make that are relevant to Newcastle Airport.
The Newcastle Airport Consultative Committee is an advisory body set up by Newcastle International Airport Limited in accordance with Section 35 (I) of the Civil Aviation Act 1982 (as amended by the Airports Act 1986) which states:
"1. This section applies to any aerodrome which is designated for the purposes of this section by an Order made by the Secretary of State.
"2. The person having the management of any aerodrome to which this section applies shall provide:
- (a) For users of the aerodrome,
- (b) For any local authority (or, if the persons having the management of the aerodrome is a local authority, any other local authority) in whose area the aerodrome or any part thereof is situated or whose area is in the neighbourhood of the aerodrome, and
- (c) For any other organisation representing the interest of persons concerned with the locality in which the aerodrome is situated,
adequate facilities for consultation with respect to any matter concerning the management or administration of the aerodrome which affects their interests."
The role of the Consultative Committee is expressed in its Terms of Reference as:
- To advise Newcastle International Airport Limited on any matter which it may refer to the Newcastle Airport Consultative Committee.
- To consider any matter in connection with the Airport which may affect the communities represented or the amenities of the neighbourhood. The Committee will have access to the Global-Environmental Management system (GEMs) equipment for any matters concerning aircraft noise and the monitoring of flight paths.
- To make suggestions to the Chief Executive and Management of Newcastle International Airport Limited on any matter connected with the administration of the Airport which can further the interests of the communities represented.
- To protect and enhance the interests of all users of the Airport.
- To consider any matter in connection with the Airport affecting passengers’ interests.
- To stimulate the interests of the local community in the achievements of the Airport.
Click on the following links to view past Consultative Committee minutes:
Please find below some links to other organisations which may be of interest:
ABTA - ABTA is the UK's largest travel association. Their members adhere to a code of conduct which protects the travelling public.
Civil Aviation Authority - The CAA is the UK's specialist aviation regulator and support consumers to ensure they have choice, value for money and are treated fairly when they fly.
Disabled Persons Transport Advisory Committee - DPTAC advises the government on the transport needs of disabled people.
English Heritage - English Heritage protect an internationally important collection of historic sites and artefacts across the UK.
Environmental Agency - A non-departmental public body sponsored by the government's Department for Environment.
Liaison Group of UK Airport Consultative Committees - UKACCs brings together 23 airports consultative committees from the UK's largest airports.
Local Disability Groups - The airport works closely with a range of local disability groups, click to learn more about our recent activities.
NATS - NATS is the main Air Navigation Service Provider in the UK and provides safe and efficient air traffic services to airports, airlines and governments.
National Trust - A charitable organisation that preserves the nation's heritage and open spaces. Click to discover the National Trust areas that surround Newcastle Airport.
UK Airport Consultative Committees Liaison Group - UKACCs brings together 23 airport consultative committees from the UK's largest airports to discuss areas of common interest and share best practice.
UK Government Aviation and Airports - Official government information on the aviation and airport sector.
Woodland Trust - The UK's largest woodland conservation charity. Click to explore the woodlands around Newcastle Airport.
Contact the Consultative Committee
If you would like further information please contact: [email protected].
The North East Region
Newcastle International Airport is situated in Woolsington, a village located 5 miles North West of the Newcastle city centre. The North East region offers a diverse landscape including historical cities, castle lined coastlines and rolling countryside.