Airspace Infringement

What is an Airspace Infringement?

An airspace infringement is the unauthorised entry of an aircraft into notified airspace. Around 1,200 are reported to the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) every year.

Newcastle International Airport is surrounded by controlled airspace. Entry must be obtained from the Airport's Air Traffic Control. Every infringement has the potential to cause a significant safety issue. All infringements must be reported to the CAA and investigated.


Frequency Monitoring Code #3737


  • Approach - Newcastle Approach 124.380 MHz
  • Air Traffic Control Tower - Newcastle Tower 119.705 MHz
  • Automated Terminal Information Service - 118.380 MHZ

Pilots operating in the vicinity of the below coordinates but intending to remain outside Newcastle International Airport's controlled airspace (the area defined by the straight lines) are encouraged to select secondary surveillance radar (SSR) code 3737.

Coordinates Outside the Control Zone:

550321N 0010315W - 544746N 0012813W -
544003N 0015830W - 543945N 0021543W -
550313N 0021717W - 552217N 0021300W -
553343N 0012806W

Aircraft displaying the code 3737 are not expected to contact Newcastle International Airport's Air Traffic Control under normal circumstances. Pilots are expected to remain responsible for their own navigation, separation, terrain clearance and are expected to remain clear of the Airport's controlled airspace at all times.

Pilots should listen out on the approach frequency and squawk 3737. Pilots should be aware that blind transmissions may be made in order to ascertain a particular aircraft's intentions or route.

When a pilot ceases to maintain a listening watch, code 3737 will be deselected.


Requesting A Service Outside Controlled Airspace

“Newcastle Radar, callsign request (Basic/Traffic/Deconfliction) Service”

When the Controller asks, provide your flight details clearly and concisely:

  • Type
  • Departure Aerodrome
  • Destination Aerodrome
  • Position
  • Level/Altitude
  • Additional details/intentions as necessary (next route point, squawk code)

Read back the type of air traffic service (ATS) being given and any executive instructions such as heading, level, speed, squawk and clearance.


Requesting A Transit Of Controlled Airspace

“Newcastle Radar, callsign request (Basic/Traffic/Deconfliction) Service and zone transit”

When the Controller asks, provide your flight details clearly and concisely:

  • Full callsign
  • Aircraft type
  • Point of departure and destination
  • Present position and altitude
  • Whether the request is for a visual flight rules (VFR) or instrument flight rules (IFR) clearance
  • Your requested routing

Read back the clearance in full as provided by the ATC Unit.